
Anyone can look, but not everyone can see. Seeing requires a level of comprehension and understanding. With the advent of internet, blogs, social media and architecture coffee table books, we are bombarded by a plethora of easily accessible, exciting images. We become armchair critics, hardly looking at anything beyond the pictures presented to us. Cheap flights have made travelling more accessible than ever yet, due to this perceived ease of accessibility, we are seeing less than ever, succumbing to the same tourist destinations and cities. Which are the worthy projects do we choose to go explore and learn from given the limited time of our trips?


As the name suggests, Archimarathon is an action packed curated architecture tour that involves a lot of walking and the use of public transport, experiencing off-the-beaten-path parts of the various cities along the way. A certain basic level of fitness is required and it is best suited for architects, graduate, students and independent travellers. Projects are chosen with lessons on design in mind and with supporting drawings where possible to aid understanding of what we are seeing. Critical analysis and peer discussions throughout the trips allows participants to reflect and gain further insights into the architecture and culture.


For 20 years, Kevin Hüi has been teaching architecture design studios at various universities. He is an avid architectural traveller since going on a grand-tour with his lecturer on a 26 days European Architecture tour in 1997, seeing an astonishing amount of quality and influential projects within a well curated learning tour. He has continued that passion, seeking out as many exciting new projects as well as old classics to visit and learn from. With the constraints of available time off working and teaching schedules, his tours had to be well researched and organised to maximise the experiences. Upon frequent requests over the years, Kevin has finally decided to take students, graduates and anyone interested on his tours, combining his love of architecture, teaching and travelling.

current tours


12 -24 June 2024


29 June - 8 July 2024

past tours


15 - 24 January 2024

Spain + Portugal

26 June - 12 July 2023


12 - 14 April 2023


2 - 11 July 2022